How to Stream I May Destroy You (TV Series) Online

One of BBC iPlayer's hidden TV gems is the comedy-drama I May Destroy You.

Just like any good movie or TV series, I May Destroy You is a miniseries that rewards viewers when watched multiple times. Whether you are tempted to do it straight away or need a larger break, this is a show that can be watched again and again.

Thankfully, the series has remained on the BBC iPlayer platform since it went to air, with every episode of I May Destroy You available to stream right now.

If you want to watch series this award winning series, simply get Beebs for Chrome!

Steps to watch I May Destroy You on BBC iPlayer:

  1. Download Chrome Browser (if you're not already using it)
  2. Install Beebs  
  3. Head over to BBC iPlayer

Start watching the 12-part miniseries in a couple of minutes all from within your browser.

Trailer of I May Destroy You (BBC Series)

Trailer for I May Destroy You

The Plot of I May Destroy You

If you can't remember it, how could you consent? Created and written by Michaela Coel, the programme explores how a young person rebuilds her life after a sexual assault.

Despite the premise being a sensitive subject, the show manages to walk a fine line between drama and comedy without minimising the serious issues tackled.

Michala Coen is better known for creating and starring in Channel 4's Chewing Gum, which features in our list of the Top Five Box Sets To Stream On All 4.

The rising star of UK TV reportedly turned down a million pound offer from Netflix to produce the show in order for her to retain creative integrity.

The cast includes a who's who of emerging British actors including Weruche Opia and Paapa Essiedu as well as Aml Ameen, Adam James, Sarah Niles and Cormorant Strike star Ellie James.

Frequently asked questions

The best place to watch all the episodes of I May Destroy You has always been BBC iPlayer. To access BBC iPlayer internationally, simply install Beebs and start watching in minutes!
To watch I May Destroy You online on the BBC iPlayer when based in the US there are a couple of options. Ignore the allure of a VPN, the best option is downloading Beebs Chrome Extension which gives Americans full access to the BBC!
Those based in Ireland can access all 12 episodes of the BBC series I May Destroy You directly on iPlayer by using the Beebs Google Chrome extension. Once installed, this tool will connect to the BBC servers instantly.